Jaw strength and stability (Y-Chew)
Lip seal (Tip attachment)
Tongue pops (Y-Chew)
Tongue Laterization (Oronavigator)
Oral stimulation (proPreefer spatula)
Jaw Grading (Animals)
Lip enhancement (Lollipop attachment)
Tongue pop (Probe Spatula)
Tongue movement (Probe Spatula)
Elevation and lateralization of the tongue (Probe attachment)
Jaw strength and stability (Grabber)
Assisted practice of lip closure (Y-Chew)
Tongue and Jaw Mobilization (Bite Blocks)
Strengthening the lip seal (Flute)
Strengthening the lips and abdominal muscles (Flute)
Elevation and lateralization of the tongue (Tongue Tip)
Sensitive stimulation (Toothies)
Improving oral motor skills (Chewy Tubes)
Correct pencil grip (step 1 - Crossover)
Correct pencil grip (Step 3 - Original)
Claw pencil grip (Claw)
Jaw strength and stability (Bite-n-Chew attachments)
Improving fine motor skills - writing (Pencil attachment)
Biting and stress evacuation (Krypto bite - review)
ADHD - stress evacuation (Brick Stick - review)
BITE BLOCKS - speech therapy tool (3pack)
Dimensions: 18,5 cm x 1,1 cm
Height 0,5 cm, 0,8 cm, 1,2 cm
BUDDY BITE™ - chew tool
22,40 €
GRABBER® BRICK - chew tool
18,80 €
KRYPTO-BITE® - chew necklace
17,60 €
GRABBER® Original - chew tool
14,80 €
GRABBER® Textured - chew tool
14,80 €
GUITAR Baby - chew tool
14,80 €
Y-CHEW - chew tool
14,80 €